In order to achieve its general interest purpose, the Foundation supports and assists projects and activities that increase the attractiveness of the different areas and villages of the municipality and promote their cultural, recreational and economic activities.
Project measures for the surrounding countryside:
The total cost of the project is estimated at € 287 500. Of the co-financing, Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö will pay €21 568.
Contact: project manager Antti Nikander,
Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö has been co-funding the VESKU project since 2019. The project will activate, increase information and advice to actors interested in water body restoration. The project will network, develop plans and project operational models.
The ELY Centre of Lapland has granted new funding to the VESKU project in Southern Lapland. The total cost of the project is estimated at €130 000, of which Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö will contribute €5 000.
Contact person: project manager Eero Hiltunen,
Hankepäätös 30.11.2022-30.9.2024:
Project decision and final report 30.11.2020-30.9.2022:
The aim of the project was to explore the potential of decentralised solar power generation in different village communities and groups, thus promoting renewable energy production while ensuring the preservation of the villages' building stock and built environment characteristics.
New potential is seen in the development of villages in the city of Rovaniemi. Villages can be part of a decentralised energy system. Property owners can install solar panels themselves or rent out their property buildings (walls, roofs) and fields in the yard as platforms for a distributed energy system.
The project focused on the service villages (Sinettä, Vanttauskoski, Vikajärvi) along the Ounasjoki, Yläkemijoki and Sodankyläntien rivers and the groups of villages closely connected to them. For the three service villages of the city of Rovaniemi and their associated areas, comprehensive information was obtained on the characteristics and suitability of the existing building stock, possible future new building stock, courtyards and rural cultural environment for solar energy production.
The total cost of the project was estimated at EUR 151 747, with a contribution from Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö of EUR 6 000. The project was implemented from 1.10.2020 to 30.9.2022.
Contact persons:
Professor Eva Pongracz,
Lapland University of Applied Sciences manages the project - Culture as a Tourist Destination, funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The project consists of four different work packages, of which the production of services and a series of pilot events will be carried out by the cultural department of the City of Rovaniemi.
The total cost of the project is estimated at €148 750, of which Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö will contribute €1 200. The OMC will contribute EUR 140 000 to the project.
Contact person: project manager Saija Kestilä,
Students from the University of Oulu's Department of Architecture have prepared a study on the development of Rovaniemi's villages up to 2040.