Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö

The purpose of the foundation is to strengthen the viability of Rovaniemi's villages and promote the well-being of their residents. In order to achieve its general interest purpose, the Foundation supports and assists projects and activities that increase the attractiveness of the different areas and villages of the municipality and promote their cultural, recreational and economic activities.

The future is not a place, where we are going, but a place we create

The Foundation's activities

Supports and assists projects and activities

The assets of the Foundation:

- Foundation capital: 1 000 000 €

- Donated funds: €17 000 000

- Total: €18 000 000

- Value of investment assets at 31.12.2023: €23 073 517

The assets of the Foundation:

Budget for the use of revenue shares in 2024

- Investment and development projects for associations: €280 000

- Water management measures: 
20 000 €

- Business vouchers: €200 000

- Cultural activities in villages: 50 000 €

- Transport support and summer employment for young people: €20 000

- Other separate investment and development projects: €130 000

- Total: €700 000

RKKS:n hankkeet - Sinnit kylät -hanke

Budget for the use of revenue shares in 2025

RKKS:n hankkeet - Sinnit kylät -hanke




Board members


Jorma Kiviniemi


Kari Hämäläinen


Community and culture in Rovaniemi villages 2024

The Village Development Foundation made it possible to organise Rovaniemi villages and children's cultural events.

Sonka Napapiirin Kyläyhdistys ry selected as Rovaniemi Village of the Year 2024 - Village of the Year awarded

Each year, Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö presents recognition awards for the village of the year and village activities.

Rovaniemi Villages handicraft product

Villages' Rhythm handicraft product in the picture.

Taito Lappi ry is designing a craft model for use by village craftspeople at the request of the Village Development Foundation.

As a basis for the design, we want to find factors that connect Rovaniemi's villages by interviewing villagers and collecting information through a survey.

Thank you for being part of bringing the craft tradition to life!

Yt. Taito Lappi ry and Kylien Kehittämissäätiö

In Jaatila, a village tradition was collected

Last summer, the Jaatila's Villages Association's Village Heritage Collection project mapped old photographs, archival materials and objects owned by private individuals in the villages of Jaatila.

The project combined the village knowledge of Olli Tiuraniemi, who acted as project manager, with the knowledge of the Lapland Provincial Museum's materials. The project was supported by Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö.

Olli Tiuraniemi and Jouni Alaruikka examine the material found in the Ylitalo house. Photo by Heidi Pelkonen.

Annual Meeting of the Rovaniemi Village Development Foundation Board of Directors 29.05.2024

The Village Development Section and the Living Welfare Board invite applications from 1.-28.4.2024

Operating grants

The grant is intended for the administrative costs of registered residents' and villagers' associations operating in the Rovaniemi municipality 350 e / association.

Village and community development grants

The grant is intended for registered residents' and village associations operating in the City of Rovaniemi for self-development of the residential area.

Water management grants 

Grants are awarded to registered associations operating in village areas for water management measures. The maximum amount of the grant is e 2000 per water body.
The applications will go to Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö, tj. Matti Alatalo, tel.

Application guide and online application forms

Retrieved from
grants for resident activities
and water management grant 
(links to the forms will be opened on 1.4.)

For more information, visit

Business and regional services of the City of Rovaniemi: 
p. 050 349 6106 (regional coordinator) or p. 040 558 1735 (business manager) or

Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiön history for village actors

In 2025, the Foundation will celebrate 20 years of activity and the Board of the Foundation has decided to produce a history, which will be completed in the anniversary year.

Summer work voucher grant for associations 2024

Associations in Rovaniemi villages can apply for a grant to hire a young person for summer work

The Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö Board wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Foundation's long-standing CEO will retire at the turn of the year and Matti Alatalo will take over as the new CEO.

Pictured left. Matti Alatalo, Taija Aikio, Riitta Liinamaa, Olli Tiainen, Kari Hämäläinen, Heli Välikangas, Jorma Kiviniemi, Susanna Junttila

The Foundation has elected a new Executive Director

2022 report on the use of aid for Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö

Please use the form below to submit a statement of account for any village development aid previously received to Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö if your association is part of a village area. An approved statement is a condition for the award of new development grants.

JOKOS -Work and Wellbeing in Villages project awarded with the "Work away" award

Fibre-optic connections to villages

The Rovaniemen kylien kehittämissäätiö government has decided to contribute to the provision of fast and reliable fibre connections to villages, thus increasing the vitality of the village.